We provide actionable insights and evidence based strategies.

We work with leading brands to help them to reach their goals by connecting them with their customers and creating inclusive, clear and meaningful services.

Group 687.png
Photograph of Noëla

“Inclusive by Design uncovered really valuable insights that will have impact across the whole business.”

Noëla Parant
Digital Product Design & User Research Lead, Lick Home

Photograph of Srinivas

“Irina’s creativity, dedication and UX expertise was top notch. Her UX guidance and leadership were key to the initial success of this digital transformation program.”

Srinivas Nagarajan
Executive Director, Thomson Reuters

Photograph of Natalia

“Designs were inclusive, user centric and thoroughly thought through. Hope to work with Inclusive by Design again soon!”

Natalia Paraeva
UX Design Lead, LSEG

Photograph of Marine

“Irina is highly reliable, thinks strategically and carefully, presents well, and is a wonderful team member.”

Marine Leroux Thibault
Head of Design, Innovation, Thomson Reuters

In-depth case studies.

Image with two smartphones floating in the air on a light purple background displaying Lick website

Inclusive Discovery Research for Lick.

Image of a tablet and a smartphone floating in the air with a purple background displaying M&S website

Responsive, Accessible Platform for M&S.


Overview of other projects.

Image of three pages of designs for Thomson Reuters on a light grey background

Digital Transformation - Thomson Reuters.

We helped the Thomson Reuters team create an inclusive digital journey of trying, renewing and purchasing Legal products online. We conducted a series of workshops with stakeholders and built a set of Customer Journey Maps highlighting customer goals and objectives. The maps became a basis for future user stories and helped us create a series of product designs for this journey.

Photograph from CogX conference and a 5-people panel discussion on a stage with CogX logo on the background

CognitionX - Knowledge Network Discovery Research.

As an early-stage startup, CognitionX wanted to learn more about the members of their Expert Network and understand better what problems they are trying to solve. A combination of surveys and one-to-one interviews with a diverse group of members highlighted clear trends and some surprising insights that impacted business strategy and inspired the future product releases.

Image of Equity Army's website page with portraits of contributors

Equity Army - Inclusive research and accessibility testing.

Equity Army is a collective, who have created foundational principles for inclusive and equitable design for digital products and services. Before launching these principles, Inclusive by Design conducted an inclusive research study to understand the general perception of inclusive practices and also gather feedback around accessibility of the website. We facilitated a series of one-to-one interviews that helped make the website accessible, clear and enjoyable for a wide group of readers.

Illustration showing a man and a women smiling and showing approval to each other

TotallyMoney - Inclusive discovery study.

TotallyMoney is a credit app that helps people move forward and achieve their financial goals. Inclusive by Design had the pleasure of working with TotallyMoney on an inclusive discovery research study. We invited a diverse group of customers in various financial situations to share their perspectives and goals in order to guide TotallyMoney's product strategy in creating a helpful, clear and engaging app. The most valuable insights came from people who had experienced financial difficulties and used TotallyMoney products to improve their financial situation. As a result of the interviews with this group of customers, we discovered clear opportunities to evolve and grow the product. We also uncovered common requirements for customers in a broader range of financial situations that could lead to future product solutions and innovations.

Photograph of a brainstorm where a group of people are gathered around a whiteboard with postit notes. Everyone is focused writing their thoughts on postit notes

CognitionX - Design Sprint: Slack and Teams integration apps.

We facilitated a design sprint to ideate, innovate and create a more accessible way of interacting with the CognitionX Knowledge network. During the five-day workshop, the team came up with the idea of Slack and Teams apps that allow easier, more intuitive access to the Knowledge network via the apps people use daily. We also created and tested a prototype with a diverse audience to gather feedback and identify the next steps in bringing these ideas to life. Both apps were successfully released in the following months.

Photograph of a golden retriever eating from a bole with a bag of dog food Tals.com next to it. The label on the bag has dog's name.

Tails.com - Optimisation of the Success journey.

Tails.com creates personalised food for dogs of different ages, breeds and lifestyles. We worked to optimise several journeys based on research insights and quantitative data. The projects included a consultation journey, feeding plan and diet pages, various payment integrations, a cancellation journey and international. The data helped us learn about the relationships between the dogs and their owners. We could then support the owners in making decisions regarding their pet’s health and wellbeing. We clarified the journeys and highlighted the most critical parts that the owners should be mindful of. The optimisation projects led to more helpful experiences for customers and an increased conversion rate.


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